Monday, January 30, 2017

Hunting for Dennis

In the Summer of 2016, I returned to stop-motion animation, inspired by a nephew who had taken up the art. I learned how to create latex puppets by watching The Lone Animator's videos.

And it seemed only appropriate that this new wave of animation be ushered in by the original protagonist, Dennis.

The Adventures of Dennis!

My first short movies made with real stop-motion, in January of 2007. Each one took a day to make.
This was a momentous occasion for me, as I had just started to venture into digital video. Prior to this, all my animations were compiled of roughly half-second "frames" captured by hitting record and stop on an analog video camera, a technique I learned from my patient and intuitive oldest brother.

Stop Motion Showreels

Some clips from my early days of stop motion in 2007, and some test footage from my return to stop-motion in 2016.